Siden er under rekonstruktion
Anesminde 1910 |
unknown/Jelling Lokalhistoriske Arkiv |
Anesminde ca. 1960 |
unknown/Jelling Lokalhistoriske Arkiv |
The same spot 2010 |
In this corner house there was a bookstore for almost 80 years. It was the only 27-year-old widow, Anna Marie Andersen, who in 1918 rented the house and set up a small bookstore, which over the years became famous knowledge of. She had her little three-year-old daughter, Asta, with her. Before Anna Andersen started her bookshop at Gormsgade 13 in 1918, shoemaker Lützen lived here with their 12 children. |
The corner house with bookstore before it was demolished in 1936 and replaced by a new corner building withdrawn from the road | Asta Andersen in front of her bookshop, which closed in 1997 |
Jelling Sparekasse on Gorms Torv 2006-2023 |
The first location for Jelling Sparekasse 1870 | Sparekassen's first real office was a room |
consecration of the New Savings Bank 1994 | |
Bethania 1939-40 |
This beautiful imposing building in the middle of Jelling has a very special history. It was built in 1924 and the architect behind it was Frits Jensen from Vejle. The Master Mason, N.A. Christensen, was also from Vejle, and he is worth mentioning here because the masonry craftsmanship at the building was highlighted as absolutely great. |
1920 Anna Andersen/Jelling Lokalhistoriske Arkiv
The "Håndværkerforening" (The craftsman's association's house) was founded in 1883. | ||||||||||||
If you look closely, you can see that Brugsen consists of an older and a newer part. The older one was built in 1960 and it was built with the purpose of running a utility association. Jelling had had a utility association since 1920, but it was located in Gormsgade in a house that no longer exists. |
The First Building in 1920 | A new Building 1960 |
he Farm Rosenvold 1947. | |
Like all other good towns in Denmark, Jelling naturally also has an inn. There have probably been innkeepers of some kind in Jelling for as long as there have been people here. But the current Jelling inn can be dated back to 1820. |
Jelling Inn 1905 | Jelling Inn 1935 |
Møllegade i 1920’rne Aerial photo of the Mill area in the 1950s
Jelling Mill first in the 1900s | |
In the Old Town in Århus there are now 2 houses, a corner house and a long house, which once stood where Gormsgade and Stationsvej met. |
The brand new Gormsgade 1-3 in 1933 | Gormsgade 1-3 in the Old Town |
And who was it in Jelling who ensured that the return of the lost land could be commemorated here as well for eternity? Not surprisingly, it was again superintendent Skat-Rørdam who took the lead in getting this beautiful memorial established here in Jelling. |
The Tour de France Stone |
Image from the unveiling of the TDF stone 30/6 2022 foto: Vejle Kommune |
The Uffe stone was unveiled on 22 June 1913. Not everyone cared for either the design or the text that could be read on the stone. The well-known author and Nobel laureate, Johannes V. Jensen, thought it was a disgrace. Vejle Amts Folkeblad liked it, they called it "beautiful", "harmonious", "peculiar" and "magnificent". A well-known sculptor from Vejle, Billeschou, had taken care of the more artisanal side of things. The Vejle County Gazette had a detailed description of the stone: |
The stone is transported through the city | |
The Uffe Stone in front of Jelling Practice School and Craftsmen's Association approx. 1960 | |
It is not allowed to copy the images on this site. |
ca. 1915 | approx. 1900 with "Smededammen" |
Superintendent's residence circa 1915 | New rector's residence built 1933' |
As seen from the air | |
"vandsten on it's new place in front of Citizens House" |
"Water stone" is a sculpture created by the sculptor Ole Christensen (1932-2000). |
...and the story of the terrible drowning accident |
Østerbydammen Villa Rosa 1906 |
. Klik på linkene herunder og få meget mere at vide. God fornøjelse Jelling igennem de sidste 100-150 år |
Historien om Jelling Andelsmejeri som blev til Runecentret i Jelling - og opfindelse af Hytteost |
Jelling Mejeri, Vejlevej 18, 1910 | Jelling Mejeri, Vejlevej 18, 1912, |
Jelling Mejeri, Stationsvej omkring 1950 | |
Hvis man kigger godt efter, kan man se, at Brugsen består af en ældre og en nyere del. Den ældre er bygget i 1960 og den er bygget med det formål at drive en brugsforening. Jelling havde haft en brugsforening siden 1920, men den lå i Gormsgade i et hus som ikke længere findes. Oprindeligt lå præcis her en af Jelling større gård, Rosenvold. Brugsen i Gormsgade levede på lånt tid, da man godt vidste, at der lå et stort ønske om at frilægge gravhøjene. Derfor havde man sikret sig ved at købe et par jordlodder fra den gamle gård Rosenvold og i 1959 kunne man i dette hus indvie en moderne selvbetjeningsbutik. Butikken lå i stueetagen, på første sal boede uddeleren og i tagetagen var der plads til kommis’erne. |
Den første brugsbygning 1920 | ||||||
Rosenvold lå oprindelig i Østerbyen, formentlig ved siden af Højgård. Da den flyttedes om i Vesterbyen, blev den placeret på den snævre plads mellem Gormshøj og landevejen, tæt op ad Sydhøjens vestside og her havde den sin plads, til den ca. 1852 brændte. Dens ejer, Johan Frederik Rosenvold, opførte sin nye gård vest for landevejen, det nuværende Mølvangvej 2. Stuehuset var efter Jellingforhold meget stort og herskabeligt. Det fornemme har en eftertid valgt at understrege ved at opkalde gården efter bygherren og give den det smukke navn Rosenvold. Bygningerne blev nedrevet i forbindelse med Brugsens opførelse 1959. En villavej i Jelling på gårdens jorder har fået navn efter gården. Rosenvold 1948-52
Det er muligt at se større billeder her |
Historien om Jelling Andelsmejeri som blev til Runecentret i Jelling - og historien om Hytteost Runecenteret 2023 |
Jelling Mejeri, Vejlevej 18, 1910 | Jelling Mejeri, Vejlevej 18, 1912, |
Jelling Mejeri, Stationsvej ca.1950 | |